Lean Manufacturing News and Facts
Lean Manufacturing: Is It Really Worth It? 16 Big Benefits Say, “Yes”
Customer expectations of reliable quality and rapid delivery forces today’s manufacturers to either shorten cycle times or lose business. Customers simply switch suppliers when others are more capable of delivering within their preferred time frames. Lean systems have provided a formidable operating strategy for leaders determined to achieve and maintain optimal operational systems and customer satisfaction levels. There are multiple good models for lean manufacturing operations. ISO publishes guidelines for conformance to its standards. “5S” programs are taught in some business college courses, and the SCOR model is also utilized. There are programs that emphasize rapid, or low-cost implementation. And, most models are applicable to any business size or integrated corporate structure.
Source: https://www.globaltranz.com/lean-manufacturing/
Applying the Principles of Lean Manufacturing to Engineering
The concept of lean manufacturing is commonplace in the automotive industry. In this article we explore how Dearborn Mid-West Company (DMC), a manufacturer of automotive assembly lines, applied lean principles to their engineering processes.
Michigan’s Dearborn Mid-West Company is deeply intertwined with the auto industry. As a tier-1 supplier to Ford, Chrysler and GM, DMC designs the conveyor systems that transport hulking pieces of aluminum and steel as they are transformed into cars on assembly lines.
Source: https://www.engineering.com/story/applying-the-principles-of-lean-manufacturing-to-engineering
What Lean Looks Like
How do you know if your manufacturing facility is truly “lean”? Succeeding at lean entails establishing a lean culture in which the tools for becoming more lean are pervasive throughout the organization. More important than implementing 5S or putting together a few U-shaped cells is Lean Flow — a continuous effort to eliminate the waste in all aspects of the business. Use the following list to measure how well this culture and practice have taken hold in your own facility.
Source: https://www.mmsonline.com/articles/what-lean-looks-like
Lean Manufacturing, Leadership And Employees: The Case Of UAE SME Manufacturing Companies
Successful lean implementation to SMEs poses great challenges. Although lean principles, tools and strategies for implementation are widely known and well documented, companies still struggle. In the present paper, the challenges for the SMEs in their lean journey are discussed, focusing on leadership styles and their impact on how employees perform during the lean transition. The aim of the paper is to determine the extent to which the main principles of lean manufacturing are understood and adopted in manufacturing companies in a developing country such as the United Arabic Emirates (UAE) through a structured questionnaire. The degree of implementing lean manufacturing is assessed and discussed against literature review findings. Furthermore, the impact of various leadership styles during the lean transition is investigated. A second survey is used for capturing the current state with regards the employee performance and the role of leadership in manufacturing SMEs in the UAE.
Source: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21693277.2020.1781704
A Review on Lean Manufacturing Implementation Techniques
The concept of lean manufacturing was developed for maximizing the resource utilization through minimization of waste, later on lean was formulated in response to the fluctuating and competitive business environment. Due to rapidly changing business environment the organizations are forced to face challenges and complexities. Any organization whether manufacturing or service oriented to survive may ultimately depend on its ability to systematically and continuously respond to these changes for enhancing the product value. Therefore value adding process is necessary to achieve this perfection; hence implementing a lean manufacturing system is becoming a core competency for any type of organizations to sustain.
Source: https://issuu.com/leanfactories/docs/a_review_on_lean_manufacturing_implementation_tech